Internet Security Blog - Hackology

http:// Removed by Google Chrome, What about WWW ?

Google Chrome finally removed “http://” from the start of every web address we type, Chrome will omit it by it self google_chrome_without_http.png @ .:: Hackology UserBar ::. This step might have been taken to follow the Chrome principle of making things Simpler … but technically Dashing out the HTTP:// makes no improvement of any sort , as this is just a protocol and if no other protocol is defined by default http is used. Making the approach to simplicity, That is achieved chrome-http-missing.png @ .:: Hackology UserBar ::.But that about the WWW ? We all know its a sub-domain , and most of the people are in such a bad habit of typing this WWW that when ever they begin first thing they type is “WWW” not knowing its just a sub-domain and its not compulsory that this will also be there. Internet explorer has spoiled the habits of internet users by giving the short cut of entering “WWW.domain.COM” by pressing CTRL+ENTER  and i know know why they still have this shortcut …www-const.jpg @ .:: Hackology UserBar ::. Generally most of the sites use the same site content on and and redirect it to the domain which they using like typing redirects to as is not using the subdomain WWW … I think Google Chrome  can roll out the WWW dashing option that will save millions of bytes per day while not sending “WWW” in every website request. As for the HTTP is makes thing simple and thats about all and yes when ever we visit a secure site the https:// is shown in blue colour


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  • Just noticed google doing this. Typed in ‘http removed from google’ and this page came up as top. Well done on that. Also, concur with dropping the www. Makes sense I suppose.

  • never knew that 😛 .. well the best i like if you copy the address from the address bar and paste it somewhere the “http://” is added in the start .. thats a neat thing to do , saves us from the mess

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