In this era we are all familiar with the term ‘Netflix and chill’. But the latest announcement coming from Netflix will really make you chill as Netflix is looking out for the interests of their customers. Netflix is the most commonly used ad free streaming service on which you can watch movies, TV shows, documentaries and lots of dedicated original content produced by Netflix.
Netflix will discontinue charging accounts that have been inactive for a year or more.
Netflix Dormant Account Closure Procedure
Netflix has millions of subscribers all around the world. Recently Netflix announced that it will discontinue charging accounts that have been inactive for a year or more. A warning via email will be sent to the account holder before deactivating their account. From this week onward inactive people will start receiving their notifications. Those who will not respond to the email will have their account deactivated. Data will be retained from the dormant user account in case the user wants to re-subscribe later they will be able to access according to their individual preferences. The preferences retention will also stay valid for 10 months for those who intentionally cancel their subscription, if they opt to join the platform later.
The company would save users’ preferences for 10 months after they have canceled their accounts. “Anyone who cancels their account and then rejoins within 10 months will still have their favorites, profiles, viewing preferences and account details just as they left them.
– Eddy Wu, Product Innovation
Netflix charges between £5.99 and £11.99 a month, and payment details are required to sign up.
How Netflix’s Decision Affects us All?
It’s a good decision for both the people and the company as dormant users won’t have to pay for something that they haven’t used in ages. It’ll save their money. Whereas for company one might think it can serve no advantage as they are charging users and the same users are not putting any stress to their servers as they are not using the services. That is not the case because of two factors.
- Less than half a percent of Netflix user base is inactive which is a very small number and advertising such a noble gesture brings respect for Netflix which gives them free and positive publicity in various forms including what you are reading here.
- Sending out emails to users who are inactive might activate the dormant users, as Netflix knows that due to ongoing pandemic, entertainment services have seen a boost and Netflix sits at the top of that chart. If I am dormant and I might be planning to deactivate Netflix but there comes an email from Netflix with their kindness – Customer Retained.
Due to the pandemic situation the numbers of subscribers has increased markedly as people look for ways of entertainment from the safety of their homes. Netflix has millions of subscribers and about less than half a percent of its users are inactive only thus making Netflix action more of the marketing word campaign.
Netflix Yearly Statistics
In conclusion this decision will earn more respect from its followers around the globe and hence increase its popularity as many people seek entertainment from the safety of their homes during this pandemic. The number of inactive users is not much as mentioned in the article above, so what better way of appearing caring when the publicity they will get just by this move is already greater then what they can get with even their paid advertisements. Businesses are always about profit, no business will think about its customer without keeping their own interest above them. A good gesture means it has little to no harm to the business thus earning them some free publicity. Stay safe – Netflix and Chill !
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