First HELLO from my side – Posting after a long time Fadi have been a real lazy person like me not keeping you UPDATED … aahhh Well
I was using Gmail in Chrome that my internet got disconnected and the built in web chat messenger signed me out and gave me an error msg
That link took me to this Page – there Google came up with some troubleshooting quiz to solve my issue, Well Lets try it out – first option was the Choose your Anti Virus, man was it tough to select out of soo man options or what 😉
 now the real thing happens – they ask me to select the Browser I use  and I am using Chrome , guess what its not in the LIST … Why ?… thats very strange to me .. forgot to update ? ..Â
Stupid Loveable Gmail and GoogleÂ
this might be irrelevant to the post… but personally I prefer firefox over Chrome myself… the main reason being : PLUGINS / ADD-ONS !! :-/
you an undynamic single tracked firefox lover … cant help you :p
and yes it was very very unrelevant- if Askimet had AI , your comment was to be trashed :p
If you are a web-developer (or somewhat into it 😀 ) then checkout the add-ons like FireBug and ColorZilla !! You will bow down to FireFox =p