Internet Security Blog - Hackology

Chrome Ads:Who else know better then Google?

Google has carried out little bit(yeah right) of advertisment of there Browser which they call Google Chrome, Don’t know about others but I use chrome 🙂 .. because I like its simple tab system … and they dont have huge MENU and never had the need to use them 🙂 … now dont start flaming its my choice :p …

Now let me Show some Ad’s of Google which they are using on various websites  for advertisement

ADVERTISMENT 1: What makes a good browser? And, what the the heck is a browser to begin with? This video explores these fundamental questions and provides some warm and fuzzy answers. 


ADVERTISMENT 2 : From 9-5 in 60 seconds… one person’s day of online surfing captured on a 102″ x 66″ paper screen. A Chrome Short by Default Office.


ADVERTISMENT 3: The simple video game mirrors the simplicity of Google Chrome’s clean user interface. We used stop-motion to create this short film promoting Google’s new browser. A Chrome Short by Pantograph



ADVERTISMENT 4: The Internet is full of nooks and crannies hiding all kinds of technological mischief. Who do you have defending you? And what color are their tights? A Chrome Short by Steve Mottershead



ADVERTISMENT 5:  Google teamed with Motion Theory to craft the first video for Chrome’s arrival. Directors Mark Kudsi and John Fan created a lively 2 1/2D animated spot celebrating Chrome’s revolutionary features with music by Tim Meyers. A Chrome Short by Motion Theory



ADVERTISMENT 6: Dr. Squirrel and his acorn helpers are hard at work at Google Labs. Hilarity ensues. A Chrome short by GoRobot!



ADVERTISMENT 7: Chicken or Egg? A simple query takes our hero on a wild rollercoaster ride through the Internet, where chicken links to feather, feather to pillow, pillow to tooth fairy, and so on. Fasten your seatbelts. A Chrome Short by Superfad



ADVERTISMENT 8: When everyone puts their heads together, great things happen. This film explores how the internet makes it easy to collaborate with anyone, anytime. A Chrome Short by The Collaborative Works of Jeff & Paul. 


ADVERTISMENT 9: On the internet you can do things. To do those things you need tools that do things. But how do those things help you do things? A Chrome Short by Open.



This will be all for now Google calls these ads “Chrome Shorts” .   I like there not-so-serious approach not like Microsoft always possing that they damn “serious” and “professional” …

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