Internet Security Blog - Hackology

Hackology Portal is Down @


Our website  @ is down since ages now .. so just  wanted to do a quick post telling the reason why this has happened…

Fadi was previously hosting .::Hackology::. at his own servers. But due to some uncontrolable reasons we planned to shift it on a Paid hosting … although having personal server is a hectic and expensive job but it give us the freedom of what so ever we want to do .


Right now the Database and Data is on Paid hosting but the settings are not going trough .. we are asking the Hoster to help us with it .. as soon that i done site will be up with no down times and better speeds ..


another reason for being slow is that i have no internet access and right now i am making this post from a dial-up Connection (yes you heard this right)


(you can reach us through many other ways till we down … go find those 😛 )


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