Internet Security Blog - Hackology

Blockfolio Update disaster Deletes Crypto Portfolio

Blockfolio is a very decent portfolio management application for CryptoCurrency and I have always recommended Blockfolio to members who asked for such software. A portfolio management app is suppose to manage our portfolio, if a company decides to force an update of the application which makes everyone’s portfolio to simply VANISH – such portfolio management app is not required.

Were you part of the disaster where your cryptocurrency portfolio get vanished from Blockfolio ?

Blockfolio Update Resets CryptoCurrency Portfolio

A recent update on Blockfolio simply deleted all portfolio information of majority of users including me, I have been maintaining my portfolio in Blockfolio for over a year and seeing all gone really made me sad and frustrated.

So just like everyone I went to their App Page in App Store to let them know it ruined it for me , too my surprise I was not the only one (which I earlier assumed) alot of people and starting from mid August were complaining about missing / deleted portfolio after an app update

Blockfolio bad reviews update
Users complaining of deleted portfolio after updating their app

Blockfolio was very responsive to all these complains and had a reply on all such queries , they requested users to email on their support email and they will ‘revert’ the lost / deleted portfolio with a “TOKEN ID” and “3 transactions with pair,price and quantity”

Hello, have you spoken to support yet? We can recover your portfolio with three trades and your Token ID. Please email [email protected] so we can help you. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

On my review they assured that I should be still hopeful

We can help you recover your data. Please reach out [email protected]

Lets Email Blockfolio and get our Portfolio BACK

Blockfolio Support Email
The reply which made me realize emailing support is useless as they are also manually trying to find our portfolios

I also emailed Blockfolio support with my app Token ID and got a reply (they are very fast with their support ! will give them credit for that )

We will need both your old and new Tokens to make the restore/transfer.

I never reinstalled this app or anything , so I told them its one token ID and that’s what It will be because my App shows that token ID , which means my portfolio should be linked to that token ID, the next reply made me realize they screwed up somehow

I am really sorry to hear about this. I can run a search for your portfolio if you can provide me with 2-3 transactions exactly how you entered them into Blockfolio. I will need pair, trade price and quantity.

It doesn’t make sense and is also not practical to give them a list of 3 old transactions with exact pair ,price and quantity – I mean Blockfolio was my PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Application, why should I be remembering the details,  I sent them a similar email

You do realize its literally impractical and almost not possible to tell you 2-3 transactions with exact PAIR,TRADE PRICE & QUANTITY as i had an almost year old portfolio and last entry i did was months back … 

Can you be kind enough to let me know why you asked for the TOKEN if such info is also required or was it deleted ?
lastly can you point me to your blog / site where you have shared this issue of users portfolio getting deleted after an upgrade and secondly what all info is sent to your servers which is identifiable through the TOKEN ID
And another reply from Blockfolio
The token IDs are used to anonymously store portfolios so that we can send them from one device to another when someone gets a new phone or for backup purposes. The data is on the server but I would need to run a search using transactions. Would you have recorded your transactions the same as your trade confirmations?
So if Token ID is used to associate our portfolio , why my Apps token ID couldn’t help them in finding my portfolio why would they need 3 transactions as added into their portfolio ?

Blockfolio associates our Portfolios with a Token ID making it all anonymous , all seems good only if Token ID association worked

Blockfolio Messed up Portfolios ?

I went to their Blog where they atleast mentioned the issue  ‘ Blockfolio Portfolio disappeared on me – What I do ‘which stated

A small percent of our users have experienced an issue with updating the app which causes data to be wiped. When this happens, we can still recover your portfolio but need three transactions to include the following: Coin, Base, Token and Price. (For example: CVC/ BTC, 0.0003068, 1000)

Simply email this information to [email protected] along with your Token ID.

Blockfolio Token ID is Broken

They also explain in the above article that to keep Anonymity they introduced the Token ID , so if Token ID is suppose to be the link between our portfolios why they require 3 transactions and why it requires a manual search and link ? Why Token ID is not doing what it is suppose to do ? If Token ID is not working what is it for ?

Blockfolio – Standard Backup Please

Its good that Blockfolio had a Token ID system and they never asked any user identifiable information but if Token ID and restore of portfolio is messed up , why don’t you introduce a standard backup , where we take a backup of our portfolio in a simple text based file ,XML etc and restore it where ever and whenever we want ….

Why to reinvent the wheel and break it while you at it ?

Blockfolio Desktop and Mobile

Blockfolio Desktop version does not exist while you can head over to Blockfolio Download Page and download Android or iOS version

Blockfolio Alternatives

Being very active in Cryptocurrency I have vouched for Blockfolio everytime someone has asked for a portfolio management app , but this disaster has left me with a bad face and I will not vouching for Blockfolio or any other cryptocurrency portfolio management app. Although keeping in the view the usage and positive feedback Delta and Cryptagon seem decent options after the Blockfolio portfolio fiasco.


Which Portfolio app you will be using to maintain your Cryptocurrency transactions ? 


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