Well first they Block are all time favourite Emoji Code and then they Launch this Feature !!!
Well you can now show display pics of your friends and Pages like if you type [[zuck]] in your facebook chat it will appear as or if you type [[drhack.net]] it will appear like
and so on …
How to Do it :
1.Start a Chat
2. Type in the username of the page or facebook friend like suppose if my profile is http://facebook.com/drhack.net then just type drhack.net between double brackets like ” [[drhack.net]]” you can also type the URL of Profile or Page that also works ..
This Troll face is already floating on the net
to Make this just paste this in your Chat window and amaze your friends :
[[331399223556184]] [[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]] [[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]] [[295847560451136]] [[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]] [[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]] [[263173770411836]] [[265844723474789]] [[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]] [[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]] [[158386917602797]] [[306019522772134]] [[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]] [[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]] [[301991303173149]] [[114261558693806]] [[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]] [[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]] [[186000198162731]] [[219939044752270]] [[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]] [[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]] [[242397452496887]] [[199766206779497]] [[157903644315266]] [[212393248843131]]
But what ever we do we cant replace the traditional Smile 🙂 , Emoticons cant die with this …
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