Internet Security Blog - Hackology
Utopia p2p Network

Utopia – The Hidden Barcode

I wrote about a decentralized peer to peer ecosystem and have been testing this software for the last 2 months, during the testing I have tried my best to help out the team so they can work out all the small little bugs before their launch which is planned in the first week of October. Utopia is very generous to everyone who helps them to find Bugs. I have already made around $1600 through bug hunting and I sit on the top of high score chart (for now atleast). All those interested in reading the detailed article can read it : Utopia – Revolutionary Decentralized P2P Ecosystem

Utopia Highscore
High score of Utopia Beta testers , who are rewarded for their efforts

Over a little period of time, Utopia has gained alot of following and is already having 250 Channels and a dozen websites hosted on Utopia ecosystem, even websites like duckduckgo have been ported onto the ecosystem. If you have not already joined , you should to be part of something interesting.

Personalized Utopia Stickers

Utopia features a very rich sticker collection , where each sticker carries a small logo of Utopia and those stickers are custom made for this client, as I could not find these stickers anywhere outside of Utopia.

Utopia Sticker Collection
Utopia comes with personalized sticker collection

There is a sticker for almost every action or event, every mood and moment. Its just about finding the right one. While going through the collection of stickers i stumbled upon a sticker marked “slavery” under the Disaster / Nuke category of the Stickers.

Citizen 1548690 Slavery sticker
Citizen 1548690 Slavery Sticker in Utopia Client

The sticker features a fist indicating resistance while a barcode on the forearm with text underneath “Citizen 1548690“. When i stumbled upon this sticker , I wondered if the barcode would be an actual legitimate barcode ? my guess was that the barcode would show the same data , i,e 1548690.

As you can see in the video above, I was wrong. The bar code reads 18509023. Lets get our tin foil hats on , shall we ?

23rd September 1850

One option could be that it is a day , so 18509023 can be taken apart as 1850 9 023 < which would make it 23rd september 1850, Let see if anything significant happened on this day and which would also be linked with what Utopia has to offer, a decentralized ecosystem where they assure us that our data is ours and private.

  • The U.S. Senate voted 57-10 to override President Truman’s veto of the Internal Security Act, a day after the House had voted 286-48, passing the bill into law.
  • UN warplanes in South Korea mistakenly attacked British troops at the village of Sangju, killing or wounding 60 Britons by gunfire and napalm bombs.

The Internal Security Act happens to be a coincidence, as the bill is about

Communist organizations to register with the United States Attorney General and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate persons suspected of engaging in subversive activities or otherwise promoting the establishment of a “totalitarian dictatorship,” either fascist or communist. Members of these groups could not become citizens and in some cases were prevented from entering or leaving the country

The bill is totally about what Utopia is built for. The bill is about invasion of our privacy on grounds which can not be justified and misused whenever deemed necessary, do you think Utopia developers went to work out even such small details ?

Google 18509023

Just googling 18509023 gives us references to a role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the striatum in the computation of goal values and prediction errors, which is a medical research where the PMID is 18509023, which i will negate as being an actual coincidence as Utopia doesn’t seem related with that. There are enormous number of results which come when you google , and why wouldn’t they , from random numbers to log files it could be anything .. Let see what creative imagination you have and what clicks you.


It might be nothing and even I believe the same. but a software so well thought made me wonder if they left a breadcrumb for us to find. Do you think it is something ? or have you stumbled upon anything which is hidden right in front of us in Utopia decentralized p2p ecosystem ?


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  • Thanks for your such explaination. Every word for Utopia is very worthy and i have no words to define its speciality. We have no words to thank Utopia 1984. Utopia ecosystem is really great invention and it provide us more secure privacy encryption which can be found againt high amount. No one can give us these facilities. The Utopia is the key project from 1000ands technologies. Lets wait and we will see a big community in Utopia. One and only solution for privacy security is only Utopia Ecosystem. And some money while being online 🙂

  • Its awesome experience with utopia stickers. amazing gallery of stickers to use in chat and discussions. must try.

  • A completely decentralized and secured ecosystem. The first word i have heard truly in my life. Every one want privace and want to be secure from the data being compromised. But utopia solved all our solutions. So everything available in Utopia client. Believe me no one can give you such great investion even you spend thousands of bucks. My advice for everyone. If you want to stay secure then turn everything of yours to Utoopia and be your own controller.

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Utopia p2p Ecosystem

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