Internet Security Blog - Hackology
Data Protection

Password Managers & How They Secure Our Data

Password protection is one of the most important things for your data and information security. In this article you will find out how they work and why should you consider using them.

Secure Your Data From Hackers With Password Managers

Password managers can make passwords easier to use and help you create unique ones. It will also encourage you to change your login details regularly, which is essential for good online security. We may move to alternative forms of authentication in the future, such as public/private key pairs, possibly in combination with hardware keys. In such a model, you should only publicly load the public key on the server once you log in, and then never again. Although they are not necessarily better than a properly implemented password solution.

How To Protect Your Passwords?

Keep in mind that many of the services you use today may have already lost control of your passwords. They may not know about it yet, or they refuse to admit it publicly, protecting their image to the detriment of the safety of their users. Password managers, like Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault, secure your accounts easier, and allow you to better control access to those accounts. These tools have multiple features (encrypted chat services, mobile, desktop app, cloud-based digital vault, etc) giving you a peace of mind. Such apps allow you to change passwords to be long and complex, with a combination of letters and characters, and use a random generator. You can also activate two-factor authentication on some services to add an extra level of security. It’s also a good idea to delete any accounts you no longer use in hopes that the service will delete your user data along with it.

The Internet sometimes seems scary, hackers steal hundreds of millions of passwords or turn off electricity to entire parts of the city. This is unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future, as real-world disasters caused by network access await us. Hacking and unauthorized access to data are real and increasingly real dangers, but there are a few easy steps that can make anyone relatively safe online. The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to online security has probably not been kept in mind so far and that is the awareness of the data you want to protect and the people you want to protect it from. The choice of security measures depends entirely on who could potentially try to access your accounts or messages.

Don’t share important passwords with other people, whoever they are; if you give it to someone, never use it for other accounts. Watch what you share via social media. Also, two-level confirmations could help against more serious cyber criminals.

Risks of Recycling Passwords

But you should be careful not to overestimate the significance of a potential threat by mistake: if you setup a personalized operating systems, virtual machines and similar techniques without giving due diligence to its security aspects (or without the necessary knowledge), it has its consequences. At best, you will need more time to do even the most basic things. In the worst case, you will lull yourself into a sense of false security provided by various gadgets and forget what is important about a particular threat.

Probably the most important and basic thing when it comes to security would be to use newer versions of the software. This includes not only fresh installations of the operating system but also a regular update of all programs and applications.

We all have too many passwords to remember, which is one of the reasons many people use the same password for every other website. Although our brain is not so bad when it comes to memorizing passwords, it is practically impossible to remember about twenty or more unique and strong ones. If hacker attacks and data theft are discovered daily, why do users continue to use recycled passwords? Hundreds of sites are hacked every day, and owners often do not know how it happened. Among other things, a hacked site brings a lot of trouble, stress and inconvenience. To avoid this, it is best to work on prevention and apply a proactive approach.

Fortunately, there is a solution: password managers. These programs record all the passwords you use, automatically help you come up with strong passwords, and simplify your online living. If you are using a password manager, you only need to remember one password that you use to access that vault for all other passwords. So, just use some of the many password managers available to you; there is no reason not to. That way, you and the rest of us will be much safer. Plus life will be easier for you.

Security Lapses on Social Media

People love to share all possible private data through social networks. But please and godparents, don’t take pictures of your credit cards, for example. In general, it should be borne in mind that a post on social networks is usually a post addressed to anyone who decides to visit your profile. Private data such as address or school name can be further used to access even more confidential data through social engineering. The more information a hacker has about you, the easier it is for him to gain access to one of your protected accounts. So, some social media accounts may be worth making private. This is not news, but if there is a danger that hackers will destroy your data or prevent you from accessing them for blackmail, you need to make a backup. It would be ideal to make copies on an external hard drive that is never connected to the Internet so that the backup itself is protected from infection. The world of information security is constantly evolving and today’s good advice could be harmful tomorrow. Always be careful!


Choosing a password manager also has some other great features, it keeps up with the latest breaches and advises us if any of our accounts may have been affected, giving us the ability to change those credentials at the earliest possible time. It is a good tool in an imperfect world, it
allows you to create strong passwords for every new account you open and you only have to
remember one master password. Unless text-based passwords die and biometric services will ensure that they do so one day, this is the best possible option and I highly recommend using it.

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