It appears that the functionality is live in WhatsApp’s latest beta version (join here) 2.16.102. What’s functional though isn’t the issuing of invites to groups, but the possibility of joining a group if you already have an invite link. WhatsApp is currently only issuing selective people the authority to create Public Chat Groups , Read on to join the Hacking / Technology WhatsApp group and how to create your own WhatsApp link and make it famous.
WhatsApp group invites will look something like this: . This is a fake link, just to demonstrate the feature. On a working link you’ll see the name of the group, the phone number or name of the person who created it (depending on whether they’re in your address book), and the number of participants after getting a “Verifying Screen” that is the time when Admin of the group will Accept your Request if they chose too.
Features of WhatsApp Public Group
- Public Group is also limited to maximum of 256 Members
- No more requirement for group Admin to “Approve your Join Request”
- Its similar to a normal WhatsApp Group , only difference is that it can be joined by using a LINK
so Admin can just accept the join requestwithout adding the contact in their phones first
[…] screenshot is WhatsApp Public Group which can accessed using a […]
[…] Join Our WhatsApp Public Group to get Blank Character Using the above method you can also Create Blank WhatsApp Group […]