Internet Security Blog - Hackology

Why your Birth Date is Important to HACKERS?

Even today, several online services ask users to submit important personal data such as their birth dates. This may be done for keeping records, for ensuring that a user is above a certain age or simply for a user’s verification. Considering that...

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a New Identity In 2020

We all have seen how fake identities are made but that all was shown to us in the movies. How about If I say its possible and very cheap. Want to get a new identity ?. In recent years, it has become much easier to acquire a new identity on the...

Hacking – Basics for a Newbie

Let’s start with the main question, What Is Hacking? Hacking is basically doing something which you are not supposed to do. Sounds easy? Hacking is bypassing security measures set in place and gaining access to information and authorization...

Category - Lifestyle